What are some books to be read before dying?

Answer by Anthony Buffet:The Alchimiste - Paulo Coelho.  it's a wonderful book. Definitely a life changer for me. It's the story of a shepherd who travel through the desert looking for a treasure. Siddharta  - Hermann Hesse. An other travel story about a young man looking for real happiness . Two small books with big... Continue Reading →

What cool or useful skills can be learned in five minutes?

Answer by Kartik Bansal:Can't finish presentation before a deadline? Need some more time to complete a presentation?Here's the solution:www.corrupt-a-file.net This website will automatically damage the file to a limit, where the receiver can't open it. This website can corrupt any file (Word, excel, mp3). Your boss or your teacher will think you completed it on... Continue Reading →

What is object-oriented programming?

Answer by Amogh Talpallikar:I haven't seen a better explanation about OOP till date than the one given by a guy who never had any formal engineering training but always had clear idea about everything he did and preached, be it technology,design or art.Here, in an excerpt from a 1994 Rolling Stone interview, Jobs explains what... Continue Reading →

What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet?

Answer by Prateek Keshari:UPDATED.New additions to Youtube Channels you can follow:TED-Ed (Highly Recommended): TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. Within TED-Ed’s growing library of lessons, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through... Continue Reading →

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